Sunday, October 2, 2011

3rd Day Zone Training- Fredericksburg, Woodbridge, and Potomac

3rd Day Zone Trainings. Fredericksburg, Woodbridge and Potomac zones at the Fredericksburg stake Center. This is just the most beautiful drive. It's a little over an hour into the country part of the mission. Rolling hills, farms, and wide open spaces. We had a beautiful musical number at this conference by Elders Cook, Davis, Paswaters, and Calvert.Playing the scripture game with 2 teams. Team 1 The Bible
Team 2 Book of Mormon
Elder Jacobson announces the next topic
Elder Phillips gives his answer

Elder Davie leads the Bible team
Elder Jacobson leads the BoM team and Elder Westover reads his answer
Elders Hancock and Greer took us into the gym for an activity. This was really great. A Washington DC track and Field. They asked different missionaries to participate. The first one said no, they didn't want to. The next one said ok, but wasn't given any instructions. The 3rd was was told to race the course, but not how to finish or where the goal was. The last one was given very simple instructions, warm-ups, rules, goals, a trainer and coach, and then ran the course to the finish.
They compared this to teaching about the BoM. We have to be their guides or coaches. We have to prepare them, give them instructions and goals, and help them reach the goal.
How to win the race and gain a testimony.

Elder Hancock explains the plan
Next Yancey and Peterson gave a lesson on Introducing the BoM with a 4 step plan and then introduced the Skills practice.

Skills training
Elders Aker and Lafeen
Elders Bay and Tacaki

Elders Gubeli, Barney and Paswaters
...and Calvert
Sisters Taylor and Moya
Sisters Holt, Ward, Sorenson and Vogelsberg

Passing the Tie (they pass this tie from trainer to trainee) Elders Horton and Ravia
Lunch at Arby's with Elders Bazzel, Young, Peterson, and Phillips
Elders Mann and Hougaard

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