Saturday, September 18, 2010


The new group has arrived. One of the most exciting times of the 6 week rotation. We love it when these fresh, new missionaries get off the plane so filled with greenie fire. It is wonderful. This is a very motivated and excited group. As soon as they get off the plane the Assistants take them to the Metro or the college campus and have them street contact. It is exciting and scary for them. 5 minutes in the field and we send them out to find investigators.We have orientation the first evening and they each get a few minutes to share their testimonies and their feelings. This group was strong and ready to get to work. I loved hearing their thoughts and convictions. We start with a really nice dinner, do some training and send them to bed. They are emotionally exhausted and beginning the next day they work 24/7 for 2 years.
The new group: front row: Elder Schwendiman, Walker, Pres and Sister Albright, Sisters Lee, Kirakosyan, and Lee--Back Row: Elders Johnson, Bigler, Earl,Hill, Slade, Parker
Elder Bigler
Elder Parker
Elder Hill
Elder Walker
Elder Johnson
Elder Earl

Elder Slade
Elder Schwendiman
Sister Kirakosyan
Sister Dalrymple

Sister Lee
Sister Kirakosyan
Sister Dalrymple
Sis Lee
Elder Schwendiman

Elder Hill
Elder Earl
Elder Parker
Elder Parker
Elder Walker

Elder Johnson
Elder Slade
Dinner at the mission home

Elders Slade, Earl, Schwendiman, Lee, , Pres, DAKOTA (granddaughter), Ashlee(daughter) Sisters Dalrymple, Kirakosyan, and Lee
Pres and Sis Ward, Elders Hill, Johnson, Bigler, Walker, Parker, Williams, and Ford


  1. YIPPY!! Sister Lee made it there safely:) I love her she is so dang cute. She is so wonderful!!

  2. Sister Albright. YOU are amazing for creating and maintaining this blog for your missionaries. My husband and I are serving the soldiers at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio as a senior missionary couple--military specialists. Oh, how I'm going to just shamelessly copy your format! We've been here three months and I just KNEW there was something missing in our interactions with our new soldiers who rotate thru here every 6 to 16 weeks. YOU have inspired me! Thank you so much and please take extra good care of Elder Johnson from our home ward in Cedar Hills, Utah. He is ONE SPECIAL GUY!
    Highest regards,
    Sister Linda Petersen
    Fort Sam Houston

  3. Sister Albright, thank you for posting pictures of our missionary; Elder Stuart Johnson. We are so glad he is there, happy and working hard.
    Sandy and Shaun Johnson
