Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Transfer meeting is an exciting time for the missionaries. Lots of new companions and areas.
There were about 120 of our missionaries in attendance. I like to think of it as organized chaos.
Very fun to watch 100+ missionaries changing companions, moving luggage and bikes, it's quite remarkable to watch. Did we get the cars right, did we get bike racks for everyone who needs them. Did we put 2 non-drivers together? oops. Does every companionship have a phone? It's pretty complicated, but somehow the assistants and President always get it done. I just watch in amazement.
We arrive at the building and meet the new trainers an hour before the meeting starts. We meet in the Relief Society Room and the New missionaries (trainees) meet the Trainers.
They love each other immediately. Which you can see from the photos below. Big hugs and hellos. And I think the new missionaries feel better from that moment.
Then it's Transfer meeting.
President and I both speak.
Then our departing missionaries each give some "advice" to the other missionaries.
During the closing song, they get up and leave during the last verse. As they walk out, all the other missionaries stand. It is quite moving. It's there farewell walk. Lots of tears.
Sister Crockett meets Sister Moses.
Sister Hanson meets Sister Rozsa

Elders Anderson and Gronning

Elders Bentley and Barney

Elder Braithwaite and Worthington

Elders Yazzie and Kessler

Elders Gates and Rowley

Elders Powell and Holfeltz

Elders Nelson and Williams

Transfer Meeting in the Chapel
Elder Cook sang a beautiful arrangement of "Come Thou Font" . He has a beautiful voice.
His family was here to pick him up and they were so proud of him.
Leaving the stand during the last verse of the closing song. Farewell.

Elders Cook and Calvert
Outside after the meeting. Ready for all the transfers.

Luggage everywhere.

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