Monday, December 6, 2010


Wonderful new group arrived November 24 and 25. They are a great group and we are enjoying getting to know them. They have lots of greenie Fire.
Front Row: Sisters Holt, Hardt, Ward, Vaitai, Elders Taylor, Merrill, Bezzant.
Back Row: Elders Mobley, Calvert, Naylor, Freeman, Zabriskie, White, & Paswaters

Elder Paswaters
Elder Bezzant
Elder Naylor
Elder Calvert

Elder Taylor from Japan
Elder Zabriskie
Elder White
Elder Mobley
Elder Freeman
Sister Vaitai who comes to us from Tonga
Sister Ward
Sister Holt
Sister Hardt
Dinner at themission home
Glad to be reunited
Elders Calvert, Holmstead, Williams, and Peterson
Return and Report

Elder Holmstead conducts
Good looking group

Sisters Vaitai, and Holt
Sisters Hardt and Ward
Elder Mobley and Holmstead

This was quite the transfer. On November 24, 2010 we were scheduled to get 14 new missionaries. But there was all kinds of bad weather going on across the country.
The missionaries were postponed until a midnight arrival. Then reassigned again. The group was split in to two groups. Half of them arrived at about 4:00 and the other half got stuck at the Chicago airport all night. They opted to sleep on the floor instead of taking the hotel rooms offered to them by the airlines, so they could get on the first plane available for DC. They arrived at 8:00 a.m. They were exhausted. The 7 that arrived in the evening had a nice dinner and orientation. We thought we would get pictures when the others arrived. But only found out in the morning and had to head straight for the airport to pick up the last group. The other 7 were driven straight to the transfer meeting at the chapel. There the 14 were reunited for about 30 minutes. Then we had transfer meeting and they departed with their new companions. I felt so bad for the last 7 that arrived. When we got together for Return and Report 2 weeks later we took these pictures.

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