Saturday, April 2, 2011


President Albright had the wonderful blessing of baptizing Eric Greene. This great young man was introduced to the gospel by friends at his school. He had a beautiful spirit and you could feel the spirit so strong and see how thrilled he was to partake of this ordinance
Sister Denson gave a talk on baptism and Sister Kelley gave the closing prayer. Sis Ward sang a musical number-"I'm trying to Be Like Jesus". They all did a great job. The ward turned out in numbers to support Eric for his baptism.
As a side note. Eric was a competitive gynnist and doing really well. While visiting in california he was skate boarding with friends and was hit by the trolley car and dragged a mile.
He received severe injuries and had the miracle of having his face reconstructed and 13 metal plates put in. And he is as handsome as ever. I think Heavenly Father had a plan for him.

Eric with President Albright
Sisters Denson, Ward, and Kelly, Eric and his mother and President Albright

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