Saturday, April 2, 2011


We had a wonderful visit with Judge Tom Griffith. He serves as the highest ranking LDS judge in the country. The Circuit Court of appeals is considered by many to be the most important court in the country, second only to the Supreme Court.
Judge Tom Griffith was President Albright's trainer when he served as a missionary in South Africa as a 19 year old. They have remained friends and kept in contact through the years. President Albright has a great love and respect for him. There is always a special place for the missionary who is assigned to train you, especially when they are a great example of obedience, diligence and working with a happy, optimistic attitude. Elder Griffith was that kind of trainer.
It was an honor to visit him in his chambers at the E Barrett Prettyman Court House. This building sits diagonally from the Capitol Building and his offcies in the corner have a magnificent view of Capitol Hill.
We spent a wonderful hour visiting about the courts, the church and about our families. The Court of Appeals
This is the Federal Court House

the cherry blossoms are starting to bud.

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