President Albright encourages creative finding and tracting approaches. He always says "Do

something that has never been done before" and....

Dear President Albright,

Well here is a great tender mercy that the lord blessed us with this past week! Elder Earl and I were knocking doors and it was not a very productive time because it was during the day and nobody was home. Anyways, we were knocking and we had knocked a whole street and only 2 people had answered the door. We went to the next street and started knocking again and got rejected at the first door on this street! I told Elder Earl to pull my tracting BOM out of my backpack because I have a special door approach that I wanted to show him! So as we approached the next door and I said," Watch this!" So we knocked and a young man answered. I introduced ourselves and I told him that we are coming around and doing a survey of a scripture in the Book Of Mormon and seeing what you think about it!" So he said sure, no problem. We shared Mosiah 2:17 which talks about when you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are in the service of your God. I then asked for his impressions! He told us he loves it and so we asked if we could share more and he let us in and we taught him the gospel for a few minutes! He told us that he wants us to come back so we made an appointment for later this week!

Much Love

Elder Gillihan