Wednesday, January 26, 2011


President Albright,

Last week was a great week! Elder Davie and I really worked hard to reach the standard!! It was a little rough going at the beginning of the week but the Lord was really looking out for us. Thursday night Elder Davie and I still need several member presents and two new investigators. We had a return appointment with someone we tracted into previously so we decided to spend a few hours tracting his complex before our return appointment. We started tracting and for the first hour and a half we received very little success. We both remembered what you had told us last week. You had said that one prayer at 5 p.m. is often not enough in order to receive needed miracles for that evening! Success often requires an extra prayer or two during the evening while finding! So in the stairwell of theapartment building we were in we stopped and offered up a prayer and then continued working. We finished that building and had 20 minutes before our appointment with our potential. We then decided to check on another potential in that building. We knocked on a door and Christian let us in! We taught him a quick lesson and then set a return appointment. After our lesson with Christian we went to our appointment and knocked on the door. We then found out that there had been some confusion and we were still about 20 minutes early. So we then decided to continue tracting for the next 20 minutes. Two doors down and a man named Jeremiah invited us in and we taught him a little bit about the Book of Mormon and then set another return appointment. Then we got out of Jeremiah’s home with just enough time to go back to Gabriel our potential and teach him the first lesson. So in that night after our second prayer after dinner we found three new investigators one of which we had a return appointment, the other was another potential in the same building, and then the third was someone we tracted into. It was an amazing miracle and we would not have reached the standard without it!

Thanks President for all that you do!

Elder LaRochelle

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