Thursday, January 27, 2011


A winter wonderland. It is beautiful, but creates a lot of problems. Yesterday afternoon it started snowing. It looked so lovely. I went out and took some pictures of how pretty everything looked. Well it was a very heavy snow and it snowed most of the night. sometime around midnight the large tree in the front yard fell on top of the car. (this is the same tree that we lost the front half of during a thunderstorm during the springtime).Luckily it split in two parts and the larger section fell towards the road and the smaller part on the car.
Our Assistants, Elders Karren and Holmstead; the office Elders Schmidt and Parker; and the sister exchange leaders Garbrick and Malmberg live in our area and lost their power last night. They called this morning and came over for hot showers since they were freezing after sleeping in the cold. When they arrived they were greeted by our fallen tree and went right to work shoveling and cutting branches. They really did have a lot of fun.
We came in for hot breakfast and the facility people showed up with chain saws and got to work. Oh the fun and adventure of living in the northeast.
Elder Schmidt sawing the limbs. (bundled up nice and warm)
This is the same two trees just the evening before in the "pretty" snowstorm.
The crepe Murtle tree on the back patio was hanging pretty low last night. I was afraid we would lose it. But only a few branches broke and we were able to save it.

The side of the carThe tree just ripped apart
The back of the car
Elder Parker cutting limbs inside the tree.

This shows how really big the tree was. It is sad to lose it. It was very large and beautiful all year round. It was called a Bradford Pear Tree.

The car is burried

Elders Karren, Holmstead and Sister Albright
The back yard tree
Sister Garbrick
Elder Karren and Sister Malmberg, our Canadians, go to work
Sister Garbrick
Elder Schmidt
Sisters Malmberg and Garbrick cleaning snow off the crepe murtle so it can pop back upright.

Yeah, it worked. The tree is now upright and Elder Holmstead did some heavy shaking of it.

The facilities guys get to work.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful snowstorm! So sorry about your tree. But it is great to see the photos of your helpers.
