Wednesday, March 7, 2012


We had a wonderful Sister's p-day activity. We started at the Mission Home. Lunch of Pizza, chicken, salad and lots of treats. And I must say, these girls can eat. Then it was off to the bowling alley for a little friendly competition. It is fun to watch these sweet sisters and just sit back and listen to them laugh and chatter. Thanks Ladies !The whole beautiful group
Sisters Moya, Thompson, Holt, Vaitai, Murray, Dezzeo, Vogelsberg, Ahokkava, Hardt, Newman, Yoon, Dana, Patten, and Taylor
Sisters Mecham, Rozsa, Anderson , Hanson, Ferrin, Sister Albright, Sorenson, Crockett, Moses, Smith, Barnes, Raynor, and Ganbaatar

Sister Mecham and Ganbaatar
Sisters Yoon, Hanson, and Crockett
Sisters Holt, Vaitai, Ahokava and Yoon
Sisters Patten and Murray
Sisters Moses and Barnes
Sisters newman and Smith
Sisters Rozsa and Anderson

Sisters Dana, Vogelsberg, and Taylor
Sisters Ferrin, Crockett, Moses, and Barnes

Sister Patten
Sister Moses

Sisters Ganbaatar and Yoon
Sister Patten, pretty pose

Sister MurraySister Vaitai
Sister Newman

Sister Ahokava
Sisters Sorenson, Hardt, Ahokava, Raynor, and Dezzeo
Sis Newman
Sisters Holt and Rozsa
Sisters Anderson, Vogelsberg, Dana, and Thompson
Sisters Vogelsberg, Dana, Smith, and Moya
Sister Hanson
Sister Thompson
Sister Barnes
Sister Holt
Sis Sorenson
Sis Yoon
Sis Ferrin
Sis Murray
Sis Crockett
Sister Mecham
Sis Hardt
Sis Anderson
Sis Murray
Sis Rozsa
Sis Taylor
Pres with sis Yoon, Moses, Crockett, Ferrin, and Murray

Sis Raynor

Sisters Mecham, Ganbaatar, Newman, Murray, Vaitai
Sisters Smith and Holt

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